5 senses monday 120

All those people from the Athletic Club at Príncipe Pío, making quite a scandal (yet a peaceful one), cheering their team. A pity the had to lose.

A todos los aficionados del Athletic en Príncipe Pío, montando una (pacífica) escandalera cuyo ruido atronador se oía más allá de mis cascos. Una pena que perdieran.

Gin on its own on the tasting during the gin tonic course at the Beefeater Gin College on Saturday (read more here)... it was like tasting perfume!! Thank God I hadn't yet finished the gin tonic they had given us at the entrance... I decided I would stick to it instead.

La ginebra a palo seco durante la cata en el curso del Beefeater Gin College (podéis leer más sobre ella aquí)... fue como beber perfume. No es de extrañar entonces que prefiriera quedarme con mi copazo, que llevaba acompañándome desde la entrada al recinto y que por fin tenía una temperatura aceptable.

Exhausted, yet satisfied after arranging the change of season in my wardrobe. If only I was SJP, I wouldn't have to chose between summer and winter and I could display all my clothes without fear of a drop in the temperatures anytime soon.

Agotada pero satisfecha después del cambio de armario. Si fuera como SJP y tuviera un magnífico vestidor, no tendría que renunciar a una temporada al completo, temiendo como hago estos días que haya una bajada drástica de las temperaturas (por aquello de que hasta el 40 de Mayo...)

Strong paint fumes while eating at he office... it's what you get for working on an industrial area.

Un fuerte olor a pintura a la hora de la comida (ideal, vamos)... es lo que se tiene por trabajar en un polígono industrial.

I'm glad to say that some readers are more willing to participate in this section than others, and keep sending me songs to post. In this case, we have to thank Marian for the post, since she pointed me towards this songs, which is not only good, but with a message to reflect upon.
"Pumped up Kicks" is about a boy who's losing his mind, who's planning a revenge. He's an outcast. The auther of the songs says that with it, he wanted to get inside the mind of this boy, just like Truman Capote did in Cold Blood. So listen to it, sing to it, and try to grasp its meaning because it's totally worth it. Lyrics are at the end of the post.


Me encanta poder decir que algunos lectores están más inclinados a participar en esta sección que otros (¡Animaros!), y me recomiendan canciones que publicar. En este caso, debemos el post a Marian, quien me señaló esta canción no sólo por su calidad, sino también sobre su mensaje, algo sobre lo que reflexionar como espejo de la sociedad actual. 
 "Pumped Up Kicks" trata sobre un niño que está perdiendo la cabeza y está planeando vengarse de los que le rodean. Es un marginado. El autor de la letra dice que en lugar de escribir sobre victimas y tragedia, quería meterse en la mente del asesino, como lo hizo Truman Capote en In Cold Blood. Os invito a que escuchéis la canción, y reflexionéis sobre su letra, que os pego a continuación.

Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid. 
Yeah he found a six shooter gun.
In his dads closet hidden in a box of fun things, and I don't even know what.
But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you. 
 All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun. 
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet. 
 Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, yeah he's coming home late. 
And he's bringing me a surprise. 
'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice. 
I've waited for a long time. 
Yeah the slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger, 
I reason with my cigarette, 
And say your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah


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