5 Senses Monday XXI
This wonderful image:
I don't really know if it's because it is a sober but somewhat cheerful look all at the same time, the handbag or the shoes. I really love the shoes. I think they give this perfectly sober look a modern and edgy aura. And they're red... and awesome.
J.L on the verge of tears when telling us he was leaving for Mexico. That, and the way he’ll be going… SO SAD.
Him laugh upon the realization that his Fan Club is actually true and that upon Isa’s departure I’m it’s new president. His smile: genuine and truly priceless
The huracane look alike storn on Wednesday evening... the wind howling, the trees trembling… it suddenly started raining cats and dogs and the ceiling just went pitch black.
So sad, after Monday’s communication about our sales commander, as we like to call him. It’s amazing how the mood can change in the wink of an eye, going from anxiety to sadness to nervousness of the days to come.
My new “True Blood” book, first of the written series that was a present from Marta. She said I ought to read them, and the best way she thought I would was giving me the first book. I can tell you now, it lasted me a week. Thank God I was smart enough to order the next three from Amazon on Tuesday, which led to them arrive on Thursday… just in time!
The rain approaching. It’s kind of a nice smell in summer, when you know the rain will be sparse and for a few minutes… if only that had been true this week! Tuesday afternoon
First gazpacho of the season. My mum makes this huge pots, you see, puts them in the fridge. You won’t be able to avoid finding a huge quantity of gazpacho every time you open it.
A wonderful hamburger on Thursday, at Tonny Roma's Paired with fun company, even if they’re work colleagues (:P) it’s priceless in a week when everything keeps going wrong.