
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2010

Today I'm wearing: Sailor at the sea

Today I went out for a short shopping tryp to Marbella, so I decided to wear my new striped T-shirt, being in a beach village and all... Paired with my brand new sun-tan was a win win... Shoes: Converse Jeans: Cimarron boot cut T-shirt: Breshka Earrings: Some little cute shop in Copenhague. Brazelets: Tous Jacket: Top Shop Summer 2009 [photos_private] .

5 senses Monday X

Hi all, Sorry for the absence, but the truth is dealing with an internet connection here in Marbella is a wee bit difficult. Thank God the Chiringuito at the complex my house is in has some, and I get to come here from time to time to quicky check the e-mail and upload,like today, the 5 senses issue of this past week. So, here we go. I invite you all to participate as always! Seeing Everything deep green and watery on our way to Marbella. I have to confess, I've never seen a green so intense in this part of the countryside. Then again, it's the first time in a long time that it has been raining for so long in a row. The beach, again. The sand, the sea... Smelling Azahar in La Plaza de los Naranjos, in Marbella. Such a sweet an intense smell. So wonderful, so spring, so south, so here... Tasting Espetos, and pescaíto frito, and all those delicious typical thing from here that I love. A tinto de verano in the chiringuito just below my place in Marbel...

Today's outfit: Let's go to the beach

Bought this cute little dress in H&M's garden collection, made out of recycled fabrics. A bit too transparent to wear outdoors if not for the beach (even though I'm still contemplating to wear it with leggins), it matched my mood perfectly: colourful and happy. Dress: H&M Headband: Little shop at the Commercial Centre of Arturo Soria Plaza Bikini (even if you can't see it): Christian Dior Earrings and some of the brazelets: Tous Black brazelet: Swarovsky [photos_private]

5 senses Monday IX

Seeing My nails on Double-deckered red. Awesome. Fun. "Springy"... can you really say that? I feel like it. Look what a couple of full days of sun have done to me. The Star Wars concert... the huge screen, accompanied by the music and the rpesentation where a 360º experience, as you have seen. Touching/Feeling My new Samsung Corby Pro... lovely in black and full of lovely applications. If only I knew how it worked... I wouldn't feel SO frustrated. Absolutly irritated and angry after being expelled from the Movistar shop. I can't stand bad-mannered people, specially if they work as information or client attendants. GOD! if you don't know how to treat people, find yourself another job!!! Hearing I was having a raise in my paycheck. And a huge bonus too. I can't wait to spend it. (I'm thinking about the shoulder heritage bag, from Loewe... but who knows?) The awesome Star Wars in concert. As you have probably seen in the previous post, I had lots of fun. It w...

Star Wars in concert

Friki. Así me llamaron muchos de los que supieron que el sábado iba a asistir al espectáculo de Star Wars in Concert… Pero a mí lo mismo me dio. Lleno hasta la bandera, el Palacio de los Deportes de Madrid dio cabida durante el viernes y el sábado pasados a un concierto espectacular, no sólo por su originalidad, sino por su puesta en escena: una orquesta de 90 integrantes, acompañada por una enorme pantalla de cine que proyectaría imágenes de la saga, tocaría en directo la banda sonora de Star Wars con piezas elegidas por el propio George Lucas en colaboración de John Williams. ¿El remate final? El maestro de ceremonias no sería otro que el escocés Anthony Daniels, más conocido por todos como C3PO. La orquesta sinfónica y coro, no era otra que The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, y por lo que he podido recoger por aquí y por allá, las imágenes era proyectadas en una pantalla de LED gigante de tres pisos de altura (una de las pantallas más grandes jamás llevadas de gira). Impresi...

El fantástico mundo de Timostar

Ayer fue un día de tremenda indignación y desesperación en contra de mis amigos los de Telefónica. Bueno, los de Movistar para ser más exactos. No sé si os ha pasado alguna vez, pero de un tiempo a esta parte, desde que existe la libertad de compañías de móviles, a todo el mundo parecen regalarle un móvil chulísimo, con internet, cuarto de baño y ducha y alicatado hasta el techo, a todos, menos a mi familia. Vas preguntando por ahí, y todo el mundo tiene su truquito. El caso es que, por más que lo hemos intentado, y teniendo en cuenta que tenemos un contrato con la compañía desde hace 15 años, 3 líneas, y un considerable gasto mensual, no nos echan un cable para pillar un móvil ni para atrás. Eso sí… cuando te quejas, o tienes que hacer una llamada a atención al cliente, te tienen ¾ de hora al teléfono. Te llaman a horas intempestivas como las 11 de la noche, y sólo llaman para preguntar sobre tu opinión sobre atención al cliente. Milagrosamente, no se acuerdan de hacer lo mismo ...

Today I'm wearing.... Chesire Cat

I've been carrying a Chesire Cat smile for the whole day... First because I felt good on my outfit (*details later), a mix of preppy-meets-chesire in hot pink and black that gave me lots of confidence and good humour. Then, there was the aleatory mix on my Itouch... which gave me an unexpected boost of energy when mixed with the sun, not only shining, but feeling actually HOT. Some of those include: Telephone (Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé), Crystalized (The xx), Always the sun(FM NEw popular music)... The there was the communication of my bonus ($$) and my wage increase ($$)... apparently, by B+ rating was sooo totally worth it. Any ideas about what to use my bonus for?? I made the first payment for my MBA, which guarantees my definite way in. AWESOME. And had a wonderful meal outside on a terrace with some colleagues... the first of the season!!! Some days are just way to GOOD to be true. Black Tshirt: Calzedonia Striped cardigan and flower headband: Sonia R...

5 senses Monday VIII

Seeing Myself on the several videos during the convention on Thursday. I felt pretty good… until I saw myself doing that super posh hair movement that got everybody mocking me (without malice, that is) Touching/Feeling THE letter… of my MBA. The letter of admission… I wanted to shout, to sing… I’m still so happy I could explode. Absolutely lightheaded because of so much laughing during the convention… I had so much fun! I don’t know if it was because of the news of my admission (which had given me a little light at the end of the tunnel to hope with), or what… but I can feel myself being happy, again. Happy, and sad, and touched all at the same time due to Luis Galindo’s presentation at the Convention. So good… Hearing All those people at the international meeting speaking French. And me understanding!!! Miracle!! I thought my French was way forgotten… JR’s voice at the other end of the telephone on Sunday night. For the whole hour we were talking, I nearly forgot he was in London a...

Congratulations to me!!!!

I'm so happy, I could dance, I could jump... I might even consider to conquer the world... And why is that? Mail has brought me a wonderful piece of news today... I've been admitted on the MBA on Fashion Companies Management in the ISEM Fashion Business School in Madrid!!!!! It means so much to me... the second small (yet bigger than last year's) step towards my dream working in Fashion. I couldn't be happier...

Busy Bee

So... It's been a hectic week, and we haven't even reached its end... 1. Saturday and Sunday ment rest&work. Yes... work. Life is tough sometimes 2. Monday was a huge team workshop meaning all day in a room... with very little actual work done. 3. Tuesday ment my first presentation in an important national client of ours, and a first too, in international meetings (I have to say I rocked). Plus another round of meetings about the coming convention on Thursday, and status with my boss.... plus a couple of video recordinds for various presentations for the convention (there's nothing you can do about it when you're a star lol) ... very little work done, again. The clock was actually ticking 19:3o when I left the office (and since I got up at 6:30 as usual, I was REALLY in need of rest) 4. Today, more meetings, more presentation work... you know the deal, and now I have to get by bag packed. It's proving to be a hard task with so little space... so fashion...

5 senses Monday VII

Seeing The sun shine in between days and days of raining on Thursday. It nearly feels unreal Snow fall during Friday night. Amazing… Touching/Feeling So cold again… unbelievable in March if Global Warming makes any sense, which it doesn’t. Such cold this time of the year is not normal, but not yet unknown. Absolutely crestfallen after finally deciding Ski was out of the question this weekend. Too many meetings, too many things to do, so little time. This weekend, I took work home… Hearing If I ruled the world, from Jamie Cullum’s latest album. That piano that is heard above all the other music at some points is just… AWESOME. Any other day it could make me cry. Myself singing again at Flora’s party. Though I’m getting better, Marta still beats me up. Tasting A beer on Thursday’s dinner with some colleagues and feeling a wee bit tipsy. Ever since I’m on this diet, I don’t seem to be able to hold my alcohol like before. I was never a huge drinker but… anyways. Smelling Dense cigarette sm...

I wonder...

...Why everyone, EVERYONE, seems to me worried about my love life at work. It sucks... I know. But I'm happy... really. And I'm serious about this. I wonder if there's a tatoo, or something on my forehead that says "Single", and that's why everyone seems so preoccupied. Something I don't get to see, but others can, that make them talk. First it was the Marketing for HS Manager that made a comment... which led to the Marketing for RTEC Manager to comment too (whe were together in the same room, you see, with people of Human Resources and other colleagues, who made comments too). Then was one of the HR managers that told me it couldn't be possible that beeing as nice and valuable as I am, I was single. And on, and on we go. It really makes me laugh. But sometimes it makes me a bit... tired. I wonder. I wish I could get a stylish boy like the one in the picture, which is courtesy of Jack&Jill blog , btw.

Esperamos que sea niña...

Esta mañana, en medio de un encierro laboral de los de Brownie total, he recibido un email de un amigo que me ha alegrado un poquito la mañana. Se trataba de la canción del nuevo anuncio de Calzedonia, " She's always a woman " the Billy Joel. De no haber estado con el director de cuentas nacionales sentado a mi lado, habría soltado alguna lagrimilla al escuchar la canción. Casualidades de la vida, al llegar a casa hace un rato y ponerme a ver la tele mientras esperaba a mi madre para comer, ha salido el anuncio por la tele, y realmente me he quedado muda. Ni corta ni perezosa he venido al ordenador para colgarlo y compartirlo. Se llama "Esperamos que sea niña" y es uno de los más entrañables que he visto últimamente. Que lo disfrutéis: A. ... Muchas gracias por recomendármelo, y por la canción.

No. talking.


Blogger Power, ¿sí o no?

Me siento inspirada por las chicas de 3blogs3 a escribir mi propia y pequeña editorial sobre el tema, ya que tan de moda está, a la vista de la presencia de los bloggers en las últimas pasarelas. No sé si es que tengo ya percepción selectiva o qué, pero el tema, además, parece que me bombardeara desde distintos foros: Twitter, Facebook, editoriales en revistas impresas… si a eso le añadimos el protagonismo absoluto a nivel de trend-setting que muchas bloggeras están teniendo (me vienen nombres a la cabeza como el de Tavi o Alexa Chung), parece que el tema está más que justificado… incluso aquí, en la Capital de las Españas (donde siempre parecemos a la cola de todo) se les dedicó un espacio delimitado en el ASUS BLOGGER SPACE , lo que me parece un verdadero acierto en los tiempos que corren… Sin embargo, la pregunta está ahí ¿son los bloggers las nuevas editoriales de moda a seguir? ¿Desaparecerán entonces las versiones impresas? Pues mi respuesta es sí, y no. Sí por una cosa ...

5 senses Monday VI

Seeing Some girls from work and I dressed as Easyjet flight attendants for a London costume party… as you saw in previous days, we looked pretty great. My wardrobe, clean and organized. Let’s see how long it lasts… Touching/Feeling The fashion magazines for March… specially the Elle Pink Fashion Book, which is very complete and awesome. Already put some of the stickers!!! Completely lost with the changes at work. And I hate it… SO much. Hearing The interviewer from the MBA telling me she was going to pass my application to the board because I had totally convinced her. The wind blow intensely during Sunday’s cyclone. A tree fell on the park near my place… Tasting Another Sergio Fernandez’s recipe made by my parents at home: turbot with baby eels. Delicious! The last of my candy from my Happy Pills bottle. A refill is in order! Smelling Rain on Monday, Rain on Tuesday, Rain on Thursday and Friday, and Saturday too! Rain… rain, and rain, and rain…