
It’s been a crazy day, today. With lots of ups and downs… rollercoaster look alike.

First, there was this collegue from work, from who I haven’t got the foggiest idea of what her name is: she got in the bus, spotted me, and just SAT DOWN. Like that. A simple “Hi!” and that horrible look in her eyes that said: clean up the space and let me sit down… I hate that. There I was, totally absent in my reading world, concentrated on the pages, when she just tries to sit down. Am I an antisocial for wanting a little privacy in the mornings? For desiring just a little introduction before I have to close the book, pick up my lunch bag, coat and handbag all in a second to put it all on top of me, in that teeny tiny sit on the bus?

I say NO.

But that’s only my opinion.

Then. THE BROWNIE: Been hidden in a room with a couple more colleagues copying and pasting data all morning (meaning 8:30AM - 3:00PM).

I have to admit, it was a bit of my fault. But I kind of seek for anything different to do these days, so as to obtain a little more variety. Whatever.

But I’m… tired. And I kind of see numbers everywhere too.

We had to work on 3 archives and, after 6 hours, we find out that one of them was just useless, since it was contained in one of the other two. Awesome.



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