It's the end of a decade
Wow... who might have told? I mean... It feels like yesterday when all of us talked about 2010 as a far, far away future full of... f uturistic things? and here we are now, with no astronautical clothes (but living an 80's revival) or super-advanced technology thingis here and there (other than Iphone, I mean). 10 years ago, I was 16, thinking I was going to be a doctor, and with a bunch of friends who are nowhere to be seen now (not offence meant, just a statement of facts) - a phew exceptions, that is. Today, a decade later, I’m no doctor (but work in a fast consumer goods company, and considering to change my focus), I have a bunch of new friends (and a couple of the old and very good ones), and a Dog. Since going back a decade would get us really tired and feeling like Hell, I’ll just mention some things that made 2009 an important one… so here we go: First of all, it has been the year of Indi’s arrival… that cute little Frenchie Dog has won my heart, and owns it ever since I...