5 Senses Monday 89
SEEING I remember how dancing made me feel. It was only me and my effort, the pain on my feet, the itch in the muscles... Clac, clac, clac... the noise the teacher used to make with her stick on the floor. The discipline... the rehersals, the ballet shoes, the stances. Going in the car going over the choreography. And then the nerves on eadge before the show, and the satisfaction afterwards. I miss it. Danse(s) from Sosh on Vimeo . http://www.jamesbort.com/ Recuerdo como bailar me liberaba. Éramos yo y el esfuerzo, el dolor en los pies, el picor en las articulaciones. Clac, clac, clac... el palo de la profesora sobre el suelo. La disciplina... y los ensayos, las puntas, las posturas. Ir en el coche repasando la coreografía... los nervios antes de salir, y la satisfacción del deber hecho. Lo echo de meno s. TOUCHING/FEELING The prickle in my eyes whenever they put a/c or heat at the office. The dust seems to become alive and gets everywhere: eyes, throat... El p...